Clean-up Day at Gold Star Marker Garden

Part of our clean-up crew at the Gold Star Marker Garden
Four of us made quick work of the clean-up of our Gold Star Marker Garden on a beautiful sunny day on the 22nd of October! Thank you to Mary Maroney, Nancy Kinser, Anne Taft and Suzanne Bushnell for getting the gardens cut back in time for the Veteran’s Day holiday. Each year since the garden was established in June of 2018, Suzanne has placed a patriotic wreath to remember our military who’ve paid the ultimate price when serving our country. Our Gold Star Marker also recognizes those family members left behind.
The only surprise with this year’s clean-up was the discovery of what looked like a nest buried in a narrow trench that winded its way through the garden! We’re hoping the critter who made the nest didn’t make a feast of the daffodils planted there two years ago! We’ll see what made it through the winter when spring arrives.

Anne, Mary and Nancy finish work in the garden

Nest found in a trench at the Gold Star Marker Garden

Suzanne and Mary celebrate the finish of another successful clean-up
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