Harpswell Celebrates the Season

The lights are on!
Members of the Harpswell Garden Club have gotten into the holiday spirit. December began with a crew of volunteers stringing lights on the ever-growing evergreen at Harpswell Historic Park Gardens. Others added garland and lights to the porch of Centennial Hall. Later in the week, club president Tuckie Westfall and vice-president Cindy Mudford, with help from their spouses, hung wreaths at Pejepscot History Center and the Joshua Chamberlain house in Brunswick. The week’s activities concluded with club members assembling 5 dozen “Mugs of Cheer” that were the distributed by Harpswell Aging at Home volunteers to seniors in the Harpswell community.
Finally, Saturday evening found more than 30 townspeople gathered at Centennial Hall for the traditional tree-lighting celebration. Carol singing followied the countdown to turn on the lights. The chilled singers then moved inside Centennial Hall to sip hot cocoa, enjoy freshly-baked cookies and chat with neighbors and new acquaintances.
It was a very busy week, especially for Tuckie and Cindy. Thanks to our club leaders for all their efforts to bring holiday joy to the town of Harpswell. Happy Holidays, Harpswell!
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