Garden Club Officers Installation at Annual Meeting
Members of the Harpswell Garden Club gathered on May 18 at St Borromeo Church in Brunswick for their annual meeting and luncheon. The meal was catered by Union Street Bakery, and enjoyed by all. Our speaker for the afternoon, Jana Milbocker, led us on a virtual tour of New England’s public gardens. At the meeting’s conclusion, our officers were installed for another term by former club president Becky Gallery. Anne Mankiewich (treasurer), Wendy Downes (recording secretary), Tuckie Westfall (President) and Nancy Simboli (Programs Chair) eagerly look forward to another year in the garden club’s leadership. A vice-president’s position is still open. Interested volunteers to take on that responsibility should contact Tuckie. She would welcome a second-in-command!

May 18, 2023: Officers installed for the coming year.
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