Harpswell Garden Club Wins Several Awards at GCFM Convention
It was a beautiful day on Wednesday, June 16th at the Viles Arboretum in Augusta for attendees at the 89th Annual Garden Club Federation of Maine Convention. More than 80 people were in attendance to see new officers installed for the 2021-2023 term. Harpswell Garden Club members attending were former GCFM President and New England Region Director Suzanne Bushnell and Sue Luce, GCFM Recording Secretary. They were on hand to accept four awards for our Club which included First Place for Yearbooks in the Extra Large Club Category, an award for our Gold Star Marker and Garden, an award for supporting Habitat for Humanity, and a Club of Distinction Award. In addition, GCFM President Barbara Longstaff recognized Suzanne with a Presidential Citation for her many years serving on the Board of Directors and her National Garden Clubs’ Award of Excellence for her Region Project of fighting food insecurity while serving as the New England Garden Clubs’ Region Director for the past two years.

Newly installed GCFM officers including Sue Luce as Recording Secretary

GCFM President Barbara Longstaff Presents Awards to Sue Luce and Suzanne Bushnell

Sunflower and Monarch butterfly photo, taken by HGC Member Les Klein, was on the cover of our 1st place winning yearbook

President Barbara Longstaff presents Presidential Citation to Suzanne Bushnell
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