Spring is Here, now Let’s Get Gardening!
Folks often mention that it must be nice to be in the garden club and take the winter off. Not true! While our gardens sleep, garden club members are planning their spring planting, browsing through catalogs and magazines for inspiration. Our club’s committee chairs are also planning upcoming events, recruiting new members, putting together budgets, and preparing updates for the annual yearbook.
January was filled with conversations and research for programs and speakers to include in the coming year’s calendar. February began with the annual membership renewal drive, and program planning continued. Our treasurer compiles the information needed to proceed with a budget for the next year. Meetings at the district and state levels also take place, with similar needs for budgets, nomination committees and events.
And by March, we are all thinking of getting out into the gardens, clearing out winter’s debris, and seeing the first blossoms of spring. Patience may be a virtue, and it is a gardening necessity. Seeds planted in April may not show fruit until later in the summer. A seed for garden club help has been sown by our nominating committee, but thus far, nothing has sprouted. Harpswell Garden Club is still in need of a nominee for treasurer and for vice-president. Without these two officers, our club will be unable to fully function. It is with hope and patience that we urge this seed of volunteerism to grow, and that interested members will step forward. Your help is needed now!

Worker bees on the Gold Star Garden redo
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