Garden Club in the Time of COVID-19
It has been months since our garden club held a meeting. Our March and April meetings were cancelled. Our Stroudwater District’s Annual Meeting was cancelled. Our club’s annual luncheon and meeting was first postponed, and then cancelled. What is next for our club?
The good news here is that we can still garden! A small group of volunteers met, masks in place, at the Harpswell Town Office garden for the annual spring clean-up. Our Harpswell Historic Park gardens work day met in shifts, and enjoyed a sunny day, raking, fertilizing and spreading mulch. We intend to spruce up the grounds at our historic Union Church on May 12, in much the same manner: a small group, spaced around the grounds, masked and gloved.
There are still ways to keep our garden club active. Volunteering in the gardens is one significant way. We will still need weeding and watering at both Centennial Hall and Town Office gardens. Every week, volunteers visit the gardens, deadhead the spent flowers and address the needs of the gardens. Passers-by still enjoy the beauty of the flowers in bloom. We can still provide the sense of peace a garden brings to its visitors.
Another way to contribute is to support the Harpswell Aging at Home’s Lunch to Go program. Our club has sponsored Lunch with Friends several times in past years. Now, we can help send food into the community. Lunch to Go served a record number of meals on Tuesday. Every week, the quantity of food needed to fill requests has increased. So consider making a dish to share with the community. The meals go out every Tuesday from the Orr’s Island Schoolhouse. Contact Surrey at for information on preparing your contribution.
Look for our club’s yearbook in the mail later this month. It will include a club directory and a program schedule. Of course, the schedule is subject to changes, dependent on the state and town guidelines for meeting. We hope to be able to gather on the lawn at Centennial Hall this summer. We can at least greet friends and enjoy the beauty of the gardens.
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