Gold Star Garden Renovation

Gold Star Garden now with perennials
Earlier this summer the Gold Star Garden Committee met at the P-3 Park to completely renovate the Gold Star Families Memorial Marker Garden. Last year the Garden looked phenomenal with the red, white and blue theme laid out in annuals (with the yellow French Marigold star). However, with the incredibly hot and dry conditions, Committee Chairman Suzanne Bushnell found she had to make at least two trips a week to the Garden — hauling at least 15 gallons of water to just keep the Garden alive. So over the winter, Garden designer Mary Maroney went back to work to draw up a completely new plan — this time using just perennials. Yellow daffodils were also planted last winter to add color this spring. See some of our photos of the garden renovation!

Gold Star Garden in July 2019

Worker bees on the Gold Star Garden redo
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