Club Installs New Officers at 2019 Annual Meeting

Stroudwater District Director Karen Rea prepares to install Elisa, Becky, Pam and Anne as the newly elected officers of the Club
A nice crowd was on hand as we celebrated our Annual Meeting and Luncheon May 16th at The Daniel Hotel in Brunswick. Attendees were entertained by Massachusetts author and gardener Neal Sanders who has written thirteen mystery novels with a gardening theme. The day was celebrated with the installation of our officers, Elisa Civello (President), Becky Gallery (Vice President), Anne Taft (Treasurer) and Pam Corrigan (Recording Secretary). Doing the honors of installing the officers was the new Stroudwater District Director Karen Rea of the Longfellow Garden Club. Also on hand to make a few remarks was our Club’s newly installed Director of the New England Garden Clubs, Suzanne Bushnell. Rounding out the dignitaries also in attendance was Judith Tarbox, President of the Garden Club Federation of Maine. A buffet lunch was served with soup, salad, various sandwich ingredients and delicious home baked cookies. Tables were beautifully decorated with floral arrangements made by Sue Perless with many of the flowers donated from the gardens of Marcie McGuire.

Betty and Neal Sanders with Elisa

A view of some of our Annual Meeting attendees

Suzanne Bushnell (Region Director), Karen Rea (District Director), Judith Tarbox (GCFM President) and Elisa Civello (HGC President) represent four levels of federated garden clubs
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