Harpswell’s Own Suzanne Bushnell Becomes New England Garden Clubs’ Region Director

Suzanne (on left) onstage in Biloxi, Mississippi at the NGC’s Installation Ceremony with incoming NGC President Gay Austin
Suzanne Bushnell, former Harpswell Garden Club President and Immediate Past President of the Garden Club Federation of Maine, has assumed the role of the Director of the New England Garden Clubs. She was installed in a moving ceremony at the National Garden Club’s (NGC) 90th Annual Convention on May 2nd in Biloxi, Mississippi. Suzanne was joined on stage with the entirety of the National Garden Club’s Executive Committee who were also being installed along with the incoming NGC President Gay Austin of Mississippi. Presiding over the ceremony was former NGC President Barbara May of Massachusetts. Suzanne replaces Susan Hinkel who served from May 2017 to May 2019. Susan is the immediate Past President of the Federated Garden Clubs of Vermont. The New England Garden Club’s Region is made up of the six state garden club federations which are located in Maine, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, and Vermont. In her new position, Suzanne will act as the liaison between the NGC and the six New England state federations. She has chosen as her theme PLANTING THE NEW ENGLAND VICTORY GARDEN. This theme revolves around the problem of food insecurity and Suzanne’s efforts to get member clubs and individuals in all six states to grow and donate excess produce to food banks, soup kitchens, and other organizations that deal with feeding the hungry. She also plans to have a contest for children to come up with poster that best represents the concept of combining “victory and gardening”.

Suzanne (seated) receives the ceremonial gavel from Sue Hinkel representing her taking over as the new Region Director of the New England Garden Clubs in Biloxi, Mississippi

Suzanne Bushnell (seated) is shown with the incoming Presidents of five of the six New England State garden club federations
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