Heading into a Busy Summer
The Harpswell Garden Club has a hectic month ahead. Besides our usual garden maintenance at Centennial Hall, Harpswell Town office and the Naval Museum and Memorial Garden, we have several activities planned.
First, on June 14 at Centennial Hall, the monthly meeting features our own Becky Gallery with a slide presentation of the Harpswell Invasive Plant Partnership and the invasive plant Black Swallow-wort. That meeting is followed by the Garden Club Federation of Maine’s annual convention at Sebasco Harbor Resort in Phippsburg. The convention begins on June 18 and continues through June 20. Finally, our garden club is hosting the dedication of Maine’s first Gold Star Families Memorial Marker at P-3 Park in Brunswick Landing. This event takes place on the morning of June 23, and features Senator Angus King as the keynote speaker.
July is a bit less hectic for the garden club. Instead of our monthly meeting, we are planning a field trip on July 20 to South Berwick, Maine to visit the Hamilton House and Garden, as well as the Sarah Orne Jewett House. Reservations are required, so contact bgalleryme@comcast.net to save your spot on the field trip.
Finally, we are already preparing for our Fun and Fabulous Fall Fest. Start saving those wonderful items for our Attic Treasures at the fall sale. Collection will begin on September 2, so plan now for the donations you can bring to the sale. For all our events, check our Calendar page on this website.
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