Members Celebrate the Season with Succulents

Attendees of the December workshop show off their hypertufa containers
Members of the Harpswell Garden Club celebrated the season by planting hypertufa containers with succulents for its December workshop. Planters were made by Cheryl Savage, one of the vendors for this year’s GCFM Convention in Freeport and then dropped off at Program Chairman Becky Gallery’s home earlier this fall. Members were then asked to sign up for the workshop and had the chance to pick out small succulents (purchased by Becky at Estabrook’s Nursery), and then assemble the plants in the hypertufa containers. A variety of these tiny plants were available to choose from! Attendees also decorated their planters with tiny Christmas ornaments and ribbon to finish the festive appearance. Because there were several planters left over, attendees helped finish planting all the containers so that several could be given to elderly Harpswell residents who also participate in the Harpswell Aging At Home program. A great time was had by all!!

Elisa, Suzanne, and Peg enjoy some of the Christmas treats.

The finished product!
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