Members Attend Stroudwater District Annual Meeting

Harpswell Garden Club members at District’s Annual Meeting and Luncheon
Several members of the Harpswell Garden Club traveled to Gray, Maine to enjoy a buffet lunch and learn about the “Language of Flowers” from Betsey Golan, a favorite speaker of many garden club members. The occasion was also the venue for the election of new Stroudwater District officers. One of our members, Becky Gallery, was elected to be the new District Secretary. During Betsey’s morning presentation she enlightened the attendees on how the colors and types of flowers have had an historical meaning through the years. In the afternoon session she invited audience members to participate in making herbal potpourri and bouquets. GCFM President Suzanne Bushnell (and a member of our Club) was asked to use Betsey’s dried herbs to put together a wedding sachet.

Suzanne stirring up a batch of herbal potpourri

Mary Maroney and Ann Standridge browsing at the table of a vendor
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