Club Members Take in the Maine Flower Show

Jane Crichton, Becky Gallery, Marcy Maguire visiting Suzanne Bushnell at the GCFM exhibit booth at the Maine Flower Show
The Harpswell Garden Club was well represented at the Maine Flower Show which, for the first time, was held at the historic Thompson’s Point event center in Portland. The Maine Nursery and Landscape Association took over the show this year after it had been held for many years at the Portland Yacht Services complex on Casco Bay. Garden Club Federation of Maine President and former Harpswell Garden Club President Suzanne Bushnell was manning the booth the day these photos were taken. Suzanne was also one of the lecturers on opening day at the Flower Show. Her presentation was on the Garden Club Federation of Maine’s long history of beautifying communities. Several other members were seen at the show but didn’t get into photos that day. The Maine Nursery and Landscape Association said that over 16,000 people visited the show over the four day period. One of those days included a snowstorm which dumped almost a foot of snow on Portland!

Jane Donelon and daughter Jean at the flower show

Ken and Annette Dunn with Suzanne at the Maine Flower Show
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