Harpswell Garden Club Wins Two New England Region Awards!

Suzanne Bushnell, GCFM President pictured with NGC President Sandy Robinson and NER Director, Vera Bowen as she accepts two awards on behalf of the Club in Portsmouth, NH.
The Harpswell Garden Club continued its winning ways as the Club just received two New England Region Awards on October 21st in Portsmouth, NH. GCFM President Suzanne Bushnell, who also serves our Club as the Awards Chairman, accepted the awards from NGC President Sandy Robinson and New England Region Director Vera Bowen at the New England Region’s Annual Meeting Luncheon held in Portsmouth, NH. Twenty-six members from Maine were on hand to see the Garden Club Federation of Maine win five awards that day. Also attending from the Harpswell Garden Club were Becky Gallery and Diane Loughlin.
The two awards given to the Club were the Sears Civic Beautification Award for our continuing work to maintain and beautify the gardens at Harpswell Historic Park and the Excellence in Teamwork Award for our work with the new Brunswick Naval Museum and Memorial Garden Committee to maintain the Memorial and Friendship Gardens at the former Brunswick Naval Air Station Chapel.

Ann Standridge accepts, on behalf of the Harpswell Garden Club, the New England Region’s Excellence in Teamwork Award. GCFM President Suzanne Bushnell and Awards Chairman Kathleen Marty made the presentation.
The awards were kept a secret until the GCFM Fall Conference on October 27th when the five awards won by the State in Portsmouth were announced to the attendees at Fall Conference in Augusta. Attending Fall Conference from Harpswell were Suzanne Bushnell, Ann Standridge, Becky Gallery, Mary Maroney, Linda Clement, and Elisa and John Civello. Suzanne joined Kathleen Marty, GCFM Awards Chairman at the podium as the awards were handed out. Ann Standridge accepted the Excellence in Teamwork Award on behalf of the Club. When the second award was handed out, Suzanne asked that Mary Maroney join her, Kathleen and Ann to accept the award. Mary designed all seven gardens at Harpswell Historic Park and Suzanne wanted the attendees to honor Mary for her longtime devotion to the project.

The Sears Civic Beautification Award is presented to Mary Maroney, who designed the gardens at the Harpswell Historic Park and Ann Standridge by GCFM President Suzanne Bushnell and Kathleen Marty, GCFM Awards Chairman.
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