Thursday, August 13th was a busy day for some of our members! We had two open gardens — Becky Gallery and Pat Laz — and the Wedding Committee had the pleasure of making flower arrangements for a wedding later that same afternoon. If you missed seeing the gardens we’ve got a few shots for you. And if you like pretty flowers, we’re sharing a few from the wedding preparations that morning.

Becky showing off her silent auction prize from the GCFM Convention — a metal armillary now holding up her clematis.

Becky and her vibrant phlox!

Jackie, the ultimate bouquet designer!

Mary, Suzanne, Lynn and Helene getting ready to begin the wedding arrangements.

One of the arrangements enjoying its seaside setting at the bride’s home.

Holly and Lynn in Pat’s vegetable garden.

Lynn and Suzanne enjoying Pat’s gigantic cucumber plant.

Pat with her limelight hydrangea.
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