Club Wins Two Historic Preservation Awards for Union Church
Sixty-five years of dedication and hard work in preserving the Union Church has finally been recognized at both the State and National level! Several members of the Harpswell Garden Club were on hand to watch as Becky Gallery, outgoing President of the Club, received both the National Garden Club’s May Duff Walters Preservation of Beauty Award and the Garden Club Federation of Maine’s Longfellow Pitcher for Historic Preservation Award at the 2015 GCFM’s Annual Convention in Kennebunkport on Thursday, June 18th. Suzanne Bushnell, new GCFM President, and the Club’s Award Chairman had nominated the club for both awards. Suzanne had the joy of being in Louisville, KY at the NGC’s Annual Convention when the National award was presented to Kathleen Marty, outgoing GCFM President. The Club beat out projects from around the country for the NGC’s award. At the State level, the club’s project was deemed the most worthy from other projects submitted from among the forty-two garden clubs affiliated with the Garden Club Federation of Maine.

Becky Gallery accepting the National Garden Club’s May Duff Walters Preservation of Beauty Award, the GCFM’s Longfellow Pitcher for Historic Preservation and other awards at the 2015 GCFM Convention from Kathleen Marty
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